QM + Creative conversation – sharing our spiritual journeys – Thur 6 June 7pm

Dear Friends,
We hope this note finds you well. Many thanks to Catherine Carr for sharing her creative conversation around Doubt and encouraging self reflection and introspection through various modalities.
We hope you will join us for our next Quaker Meeting and Creative Conversation in June.
Please note this will be our last creative conversation before we take a summer holiday for the months of July and August.  
The 6 June QM+CC at 7PM BST/2PM EDT by Zoom, will offer an opportunity to share about spiritual journeys.  We will invite participants to focus on one specific aspect that has had significant meaning in shaping their sense of self.
General layout: 
• Zoom Room opens at 6:45PM UK time, please arrive early.
• 7PM UK time: Welcome and Quaker Meeting (~20 minutes): Sharing silence with one another for quietly gathering ourselves and connecting.
• Creative Conversation and Discussion (~1 hour): Different participants will introduce a thought provoking, occasionally debatable question, brief statement, and/or reading.  This will be followed by an inspired discussion amongst all participants for creative exchanges and opportunities to disagree.
• Conclusion: Thoughts and a few moments to share silence.
• After Announcements the Zoom Room will remain open for friendly chats and community.
• Duration:1hr:30m-2hr:00m

Additional information about our QM+CC can be found on our website.

If you are interested in attending and have not registered for our Creative Conversations, please reply to this email. Our QM+CC Zoom links go out to registered participants only, thank you.

If you previously registered, there is no need to re-register, you are on the list.  You will automatically receive Zoom links to this and subsequent Meetings, approximately one week before each Meeting and a reminder the day of.  We ask that you please do not share the Zoom link with interested Friends, but encourage them to email the Clerk (clerk@nontheist-quakers.org.uk) to register. You may unregister/unsubscribe at any time by replying to this email address.

In Friendship,
The QM+CC Working group (Gisela Creed, John Senior, William Purser, and Kiera Faber)
Nontheist Friends Network, UK