How to?

How to use this website.
All the pages on the website can be found in the menus and drop down menus in the header (above right but see here below re mobile devices).
At the time of writing this, the HOME ‘button’ re-directs to the ABOUT page. NOW (Nov 2022) to a new Welcome page.
Where there are items in the drop down menus, the top ‘button’ is itself usually a page. (‘Articles’ for example is a page with a wide range of articles and the older newsletters as well as having 2 or more sub-pages (drop down menu items) including recent newsletters.)
‘News’ is the direct link to all the ‘posts’ on the website (‘blog’ if you like).
There is also a full listing (redundant really) of all the pages at the bottom of the right hand column. NOW (Nov 2022) in the left hand column – this listing is strictly alphabetical by page and sub-pages with the top level listing being  ‘About, Articles, Contact, Events, FAQ, How to?, News’ – slightly different from the ‘priority’ listing left-right along the top of each page from Home to How to?

Now at the top of the right-hand column, whether you are following the website/blog – if not, do it now with just your email address which will be kept private. (For mobile devices, see below).
The right hand column also contains a ‘Search’ box – try it with any text, names or keywords you think you might expect to find on the site. (‘nontheist’ for example currently finds 15 items, whereas ‘non-theist’ finds 7 some of which might be included in the 15.
‘non theist’ finds 18! – just the literal way in which computers work). You could also try it for names of people you think might be mentioned on the site.
(The magnifying glass top right does exactly the same thing as the Search box!)
Below the search box is a Google Translate button (the language on the button and below it varies according to your location so on my computer is currently in Spanish – makes a reasonable job of translating the current page/whole site into whatever language you select.  In Hindi for example, ‘How to?’ becomes
कैसे करें?).  Then lists of recent posts, recent comments, recent additions, a calendar showing only posts by month – I think perhaps I should remove this?, then News from (USA) RSS feed which updates automatically as our American nontheist Friends update their website – currently (Nov 2022) shows 8 items from 2015 to 1 October 2022.

Below the page listing there is a Login button for those who have signed up to post or otherwise contribute to the site.
Pretty well all the items in the right and left hand columns are clickable to take you to that page or item.

POSTS (but not pages) have Tags (keywords) at the bottom of each post and clicking on these will bring up any posts which have been tagged with that same keyword.
COMMENTS (aka ‘Leave a reply’) are shown at the bottom of posts and pages where enabled or for posts will be shown if you click on Comments or Leave a comment at the top of the post.
TO LEAVE A REPLY OR COMMENT, fill in the text box and enter your email address, name (and optionally your website address).
The  left hand column disappears on MOBILE DEVICES and reduced width windows when it re-locates to the bottom of the page. The RIGHT hand column and Top menu items will be found in a drop down menu at the top of mobile device pages and the exact layout varies between devices depending on the available screen size and whether you choose to view the full site.

To follow the site on mobile devices:
To FOLLOW (and receive notifications) from this NFN site, please enter your email address and click on Follow where it says ‘Follow Blog by email’ at the top of the Right Hand column. If you are looking at this on a mobile device, you may have to scroll to the bottom, choose ‘View Full Site’ then again scroll down to find the email Follow link – sorry that’s so complicated!
At the bottom of each post and page there are Share buttons to share the page on Facebook, twitter, WhatsApp, Email etc.
For MEMBERSHIP, see the NFN membership page (under ‘About’) or to contact us (web person or our Clerk) about any matter, complete the form on the Contacts page. (Conferences will have their own booking details page).

Trevor Bending

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Website and blog of the Nontheist Friends Network