London Quakers event “What do we think about God” held on 7 February 2015.

Material from London Quakers Event ‘What do we think about God?’

(Audio Recordings of the four speakers, and the plenary discussions.  Back to Articles page.)

This material was presented at an event organised by London Quakers at Friends House on 7 Feb 2015. The event was advertised as “What do we think about God? Four speakers will give a brief review of their views and then there will be opportunity to discuss our ideas in small groups, followed by an opportunity for feedback and questions”

On this occasion there has been no recording of the event made available on the London Quakers web site, and so I (Brian Wardrop) have used recordings that I made on my mobile phone – hence the quality.

The four speakers were a nontheist (speaker 1), a universalist (speaker 4), a theist and member of BYM (speaker 3), and a theist member of an American Yearly Meeting (speaker 2).

Here are my recordings of the speakers and the plenary discussions following the group discussions (if you see a plain grey rectangle, click on it to activate the audio player):

[These audio files are no longer available on the website since the old site has been retired. The non-theist speaker contribution transcript is available here].

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